January :
Dongre Lab showcased an outstanding display at the BBS Recruitment Poster Session with five posters! Congratulations to Shiney, Kimaya, Sophie, Brian, and Sunita for presenting their work at the poster session. The entire lab was also actively involved in providing recruits with a lab tour, escorting them to different meetings, and sharing the lab’s research interests and goals. Super proud of this amazing team!
Sunita, Kimaya, and Anushka participated in the Department’s annual Ping-Pong Tournament.
Anushka appeared on Dr. Michelle Moyal’s show, The Cornell Veterinary Podcast. Listen to her episode where she discuses her journey into science, and how cancer plasticity regulates responses of breast tumors to immunotherapies here
December :
We celebrated the holidays with a lab Holiday Potluck Dinner!
November :
The Dongre Lab attended The EMT International Association Meeting (TEMTIA 11) in Seattle. Graduate Student Sophie Nelissen presented a talk and Graduate Students Kimaya Bakhle, Brian Feng and Research staff Shiney Chandraganti all presented posters. Graduate Student Sunita Nepal attended this conference as well. Everyone’s work was very well received and many interactions with Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) scientists from around the world were made. Kimaya received a poster prize for her work on EMT and immunosuppression in canine tumors. Congratulations to everyone for a fabulous performance!!!
October :
Congratulations to Sophie Nelissen for winning a Travel Award from the Graduate School to attend the American College of Veterinary Pathologist Meeting in Seattle, where she will present a poster!
Congratulations to Sophie Nelissen for winning a Travel Award from the EMT International Association to attend the TEMTIA 11 conference!
September :
We welcomed Fall with an Apple Picking Joint Fall Lab social with the Simmons Lab!
August :
A warm welcome to Kaden Priebe, our newest undergraduate to join the lab
Congratulations to Brian, Sophie, Sunita and Kimaya for embarking on their PhD journeys, officially marked by their Lab Coat Ceremonies
Congratulations to Kimaya and Sophie for each winning the people’s choice award for Best poster at the BBS symposium!! Two of the three awards were awarded to graduate students in the Dongre Lab!
Kimaya and Ryan presented posters at the National Vet Scholar Symposium in Minnesota.
Ryan gave an outstanding talk of his VIP project at the end of the program. Congratulations Ryan!
We had our very first Dongre Lab Retreat in Boston, MA. Each of us presented our research progress and we also brainstormed lab goals, mentoring needs, challenges and opportunities faced by scientists and how various DEI topics influence our work and career trajectories
All graduate students in the lab - ‘fabulous foursome’ - Kimaya, Brian, Sophie and Sunita attended the AAI Advanced Immunology Course in Boston, MA
July :
Welcome back to Sunita Nepal (BBS) who has joined our lab for her PhD! Sunita will be co-mentored by Anushka and Dr. Praveen Sethupathy
Kimaya wins the Andrew Kligerman Fund Travel Award. Congrats, Kimaya!
June :
We had our annual Summer picnic at Stewart park with snacks and cornhole!
Brian gets a poster prize for his outstanding poster at the Intercampus Immunology Symposium. Congrats, Brian!
Dongre Lab attended the Cornell Intercampus Immunology Symposium held in Ithaca this year. Kimaya gave a talk and Brian and Sophie presented posters.
A warm welcome to Ryan Thompson, who will spend this summer in our lab as part of the Vet Investigator Program (VIP)
May :
Welcome to Sophie Nelissen, DVM, DACVP, who has joined our lab for her PhD!
Many congratulations and best wishes to Caoilin Engstrom, the very first member of the Dongre Lab on her graduation!
April :
Anushka is the inaugral recipient of the Judith Appleton, Ph.D. Early Career Excellence in Research Award! We are very grateful for this generous gift. Read more about the award here
Dongre Lab attends the AACR 2024 conference in San Diego. Congratulations to Kimaya, who gave a talk in the Immuno-oncology minisymposium and to Caitie and Caoilin who presented posters at the Undergraduate student caucus session!
Anushka is featured as an early-career investigator in the Cancer Immunology working group (CIMM) at the AACR. Read her interview here
March :
Caitie wins second place at the Research Grand Slam Competition organized by the Hunter Rawlings III Cornell Presidential Research Scholars. Congratulations, Caitie!
Kimaya is awarded a Conference Travel Grant from the Graduate School to attend the AACR conference. Congratulations, Kimaya!
Welcome back to Brian Feng (GGD), who will join our lab for his PhD thesis!
Drs. Dongre, Simmons, and Sethupathy presented at the Cornell Family Fellows 2024 program organized by the CVM AAD team. Each lab showcased their work on Cancer Research. Anushka presented the lab’s work on epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity and resistance to immune checkpoint blockade
February :
We are now supported by an Interdisciplinary Seed grant from the Cornell Center for Immunology to study cross-protection in heterogeneous breast tumors in collaboration with Dr. Iwijn DeVlaminck (BME).
Dongre lab attended the poster session at the BMCB-GGD recertuiment event and the terrific trio of Kimaya, Shiney, and Caitie presented posters
January :
The Dongre Lab attended the poster session at the BBS (Biomedical & Biological Sciences) recruitment event and Kimaya and Caitie presented posters.
Kimaya’s abstract is selected for an oral presentation at this years annual AACR meeting! Kimaya will present her work in San Diego this April in the Minisyposium on Immuno-oncology. Congratulations, Kimaya!
Welcome to Saloni Dhopte , our rotation student from GGD
December :
Goodluck to Vinh and Maria as they move on to their next rotations!
November :
Goodluck to Sophie as she moves on to her next rotation!
Caitie presents her work TEDx-style at the CURBx undergraduate symposium!
October :
Welcome Maria and Vinh, our second rotation students
Goodluck to Brian and Sunita as they move on to their next rotations
Our latest work is featured in this article by Lauren Roberts. Thank you for featuring our work!
We had our annual Fall Hike at the Taughannock Falls.
September :
Welcome to Brian Feng our first GGD rotation student!
August :
Joint Karaoke night outing with the Simmons and Hedrick Labs to celebrate the start of the semester!
Welcome back to Kimaya Bakhle, who will join our lab for her PhD thesis starting in January 2024!
We are excited to have Dr. Sophie Nelissen and Sunita Nepal , rotation students from the BBS program do their first rotation in our lab. Welcome!
Dongre Lab attends the BBS symposium and Shiney presents a poster
Farewell to Brenda and Sam and a very big THANK-YOU for your hardwork and contributions this summer!
Congratulations to Brenda Ramos for presenting her summer work at the CIHMID REU Symposium - Brenda gave a talk and presented a poster!
Congratulations are in order for Caitie Sams who is selected as the Rawlings Cornell Presidential Research Scholar
A warm welcome to Ashley Teal our newest undergraduate student.
A warm welcome to Shiney Chandraganti who joins us as a Technician.
Sam Paucar presents a poster at the NVSS Symposium in Puerto Rico.
July :
Congratulations to Sam Paucar for giving a terrific talk on her summer project at the VIP symposium!
Annual Lab Picnic to welcome our summer students!
June :
Anushka is interviewed by NBCNews10 at the Breast Cancer Coalitions’ Grants Awards Ceremony. See the press coverage of our funded work here
The lab is now supported by a grant from the The Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester, New York. Read more about our funded work here
A warm welcome to Brenda Ramos Villaneuva who will spend the summer in the lab as part of the Cornell REU-MFF program
May :
Kimaya and Sid presented posters at the Cornell Stem Cell Symposium
A warm welcome to Samantha Paucar who will spend the summer in the lab as a VIP student.
Isabel’s current opinion article is published in Molecular Diagnosis and Therapy (Springer Nature). Check it out here
Anushka is awarded the Affinito Stewart Research Grant, from the President’s Council of Cornell Women.
Marinel finishes her third rotation. We wish her all the success with graduate school!
Isabel graduates and has secured a position as Clinical Research Associate at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Congratulations!!
April :
Anushka gives a talk at the AACR Annual Meeting 2023
Anushka gives the keynote address at the Expanding Your Horizon’s conference at Cornell to encourage young girls ages 12-15 to pursue a career in STEM
March :
Anushka presents a poster at the SITC Spring Scientific Conference
Goodluck to Kimaya as she moves on to her next rotation.
February :
Welcome to our third BBS rotation student, Marinel-Ocasio Rivera.
January :
Welcome to Kimaya Bakhle, a BBS DVM/PhD student who will join our lab for her second rotation.
December :
We ended the year with a Lab Holiday Dinner at the Taste of Thai.
November :
Welcome to our second BBS rotation student, Brianna Knode!
Anushka is featured on the cover page of SEEMA, a platform that highlights the achievements on South Asian Women. Read her interview here
Goodluck to Jingyi as she moves on to her next rotation.
October :
Welcome to Siddhartha Pulukuri, our newest lab member!
Anushka’s new faculty profile is featured in the New York State VMS newsletter. Read more about our work here.
September :
The lab attended the Immunogenomics symposium and Lynna and Isabel presented posters
August :
Welcome to our BBS graduate rotation student Jingyi Chen!
Farewell and Goodluck to our summer students Lynna and Dimitria who did some outstanding science over the summer!
Dimitria Gomes gives a talk and presents her summer research project at the Vet Leadership Program Final Presentations session.
Lynna Li presents a poster at the NVSS symposium in Minnesota.
Lynna Li gives a talk and presents her summer research project at the Vet Investigator Program oral presentations session.
July :
The Dongre lab has it’s first lab picnic at Cayuga Lake!
June :
The lab attends the CVG Research symposium and Isabel presents a poster.
Welcome to Lynna Li and Dimitria Gomes who will spend the summer in the lab as part of the Vet Investigator and Leadership Programs respectively.
May :
Our editorial for the special research topic collection on the EMT program as a regulator of anti-tumor immunity is published in Frontiers in Immunology.
Anushka gives a talk and the lab attends the 3rd Cornell Intercampus Cancer Symposium held in Ithaca.
Welcome to Katy Wheeler, who joins us as a Technician.
April :
Anushka gives a talk and Isabel presents a poster at the 2nd Cornell Intercampus Immunology Symposium held at the Cornell Tech campus in NYC
February :
Welcome to Caoilin, Caitie, and Isabel, our talented undergraduates!
January :
The Dongre Lab is open for business! Come visit us on the 7th floor of the Veterinary Research Tower in the Department of Biomedical Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.